About FoFE

Mission: Why we’re here

Friends of Frenchies Eugene is an education-oriented non-profit focused on supporting K-12 French-language students in Eugene, Oregon whose mission is to create global citizens that are informed, engaged, and service-oriented.

Vision: Where we’re headed

We advance projects and programs that support students in French Language Programs. We facilitate service projects in the community. We provide tutoring resources and scholarships. We connect French students from kindergarten through high school to create a supportive network. We promote equitable immersion opportunities.

Strategy: How we will get there

We will achieve our vision by collaborating with Eugene-based French Immersion students, teachers, and community leaders. We lead with a focus on equity and investing in our community.

FoFE was founded in February 2023 as a nonprofit organization recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS under Section 501c3. FoFE is dedicated to creating immersive French language opportunities and cultural exploration for Eugene’s K-12 French immersion students. Supporting these students through their entire journey of elementary, middle and high school programs was the motivating factor to creating this organization. Building an accessible community and inclusive opportunities so all students embrace and thrive while learning the French language.

Our Work

  • Connecting French language students with expert tutors.  
  • Sending 39 of the French Immersion 5th graders to the Canoe Island French Immersion Camp in Fall 2023 and providing no-questions-asked scholarships.
  • Providing the opportunity for French Language High School Students to support translation services for the National Museum of Chad located in the capital city of N’Djamena.
  • Supporting graduation celebrations for French Immersion Students at the elementary and high school levels.

Our Core Values:

  • We provide French-language tutoring and study aids so that students can become global participants in the 29 French-speaking countries in the world.
  • We promote and provide no-questions-asked scholarships for French language immersion opportunities.
  • We identify service projects abroad where local students can contribute, such as translation services. 
  • We follow equitable business practices that strengthen our reach and remove barriers so that all of the community can participate. 
  • We strive to be compassionate, consistent, fair, and open.
  • We connect with French Speaking Students in other locales to support global community building. 
  • We maintain a network of French language tutors and instructors.
  • We strive to develop strong, lasting personal relationships within the French-speaking local community. 
  • We provide translation services to the local community. 
  • We connect French students with older peers who can serve as mentors and tutors.
  • We involve students, teachers and parents in cultural decisions that are relevant to our organization.
  • We initiate and coordinate local service projects. 
  • We believe the best results are achieved through collaboration and teamwork.