Resources for Frenchies

Looking for a Tutor?

Click the link for the current list of tutors. This is updated, so check back.

Interested in being on the Tutor list?

Do you need financial assistance for a tutor?

Be connected to the Eugene Frenchies community! Want to connect with classmates for a playdate or party? Know of a great Francophone opportunity you would like to share? Once you are signed up you will be included in the next Monthly release of the Unofficial Directory.

Coming Soon:

South Eugene HS French Club: Students at SEHS are organizing a club to be able to organize and promote Community Service projects focused in French.

French Student Mentors: Older French Immersion students sign up to help younger French Immersion students learn French by reading or playing games in French.

Have a great idea that you think fits into FoFE Mission? Email us at